The World Lore of Numen Chronicles series'
The Book of Lore contains the records of every known event contributing to the world's creation, growth, and continuation. It includes events of all Aegisguard's religions.
There are six known Numen in Aegisguard, but only one is worshipped as God.
Letholdus, God, otherwise known as the Demiurge.
Lucifer, more popularly known as the Devil, Satan, and Lord of Hell.
Lilith, the Demon Goddess.
Ephriel, the Angel Goddess.
Damien, the Daegelus, also known as the half-angel, half-demon god.
Erich, Death.
It is not known how many other Numen are out there, but a few have shown their faces since Year Zero.
For information and a more detailed history of species, head to the Bestiary.

Ethos is the energy possessed and manipulated by some species. It is created in the proselytes, a heart-like organ located directly behind a being's heart. Much like a heart, it circulates ethos around the body so that it may be used by the possessor. Most beings cannot survive if their proselytes is removed.

Before the Numen revealed themselves to the world, beings in possession of ethos were forced to remain hidden in the shadows for their safety and that of the humans. Vampires, demons, werewolves and more were nothing but folklore.
Year Zero occurred when the Numen revealed their existence, and ethos-possessing beings followed them out into the light. A new world was born, one home to humans and beings of ethos alike.
Some human resistances try to revert the world to what it used to be before Year Zero, but organizations of ethos-beings, such as the Nosferatu, repel them.
On Decem 31st, the son of Lucifer, Caedis, was born. This historical date was known as the Anti-Numen's birthday for centuries, until Lucifer's death, and Caedis' rise to power.
Today, All Hallows' Eve is a night of ritual and offering to Caedis. He has been known to grant the prayers of His followers occasionally and bestows all who give offering with great fortune.
It is also said that All Hallows' Eve is the night the veil to the Underworld is its weakest, allowing spirits to walk the living world until dawn. Leaving offerings for the spirits keeps them from doing harm.
The daughter of God Caedis and the Zenith was born on Undecim 18th, and for the week that followed, the world was at rest. Thus, the Week of Serenity came to be.
Centuries ago, the daughter of Caedis and Zenith played a part in the fall of the Devoured Numen, bringing centuries of peace to not only Aegisguard but all the seven realms.
During the Week of Serenity, families and friends come together to repair broken bonds and forge new ones. Any conflict in the world also comes to a halt, no matter how large. These seven days are fiercely dedicated to peace.

The seven realms
Created by the Numen, the Void (also called the Numenverse) homes seven planet-like masses called realms. All these realms hold a different amount of ethos, have their own rules, and are home to hundreds of different species.
Some of these realms also possess gateways to pocket-worlds, smaller, hidden realms.
Aegisguard's gods and deities
The Numen are ethereal beings of unknown origin. They arrived in the place the seven realms sit and decided to build worlds. Some believe the Numen crafted these worlds simply because they wanted to create life and protect it. Others believe the Numen weaved these worlds as sanctuaries for themselves so that they would be safe when their superior inevitably came calling.

Aegisguard's demigods
The Aegis are the offspring of Letholdus, Aegisguard's God. They were created to watch over Aegisguard in his place, and most of them are worshipped as gods. They each possess a fraction of Letholdus’ ethos and can only be killed by other Numen-blooded beings.

Explore Aegisguard through its maps.

❅ Aegisguard, the one of the seven realms which homes the most ethos.
❅ It is home to the Aegis, Letholdus' children. Aegisguard is also the only of the seven realms that can serve as a home for up to three Numen.

❅ Dor-Sanguis, Alucard's birthplace, origin place of vampires, werewolves, and the Diabolus.
❅ The landscape is made up mostly of forest, grassland and hills.

❅ DeiganLupus, a dark, dangerous place riddled with crime and corruption. A lot of Alucard's business takes place here.
❅ Much of DeiganLupus is flat grassland, which eventually sinks into gloomy swamps and rises to towering peaks.

❅ Nefastus, a lawless land of desert and strange technology. Alucard conducted a lot of business over here in the past.
❅ Zalith and Varana move here after deciding their own world is too unsafe.
Learn Aegisguard's history through event timelines.
(Coming soon!)